PART I – The Western Balkans and the process of Europeanization

UDK 327(497)”19/20”

Dragan R. Simić, Dragan Đukanović, Dragan Živojinović

Regional Cooperation on the Balkan Peninsula at the beginning of the XX and XXI Centuries: Similarities and Differences (  )

UDK 323.14(497)

Sajma Ademović

Europeanization in the Shadow of the Ethnization of the Western Balkans (  )

UDK 355.45(497)

Nikola Banićević

Achieving regional security Western Balkans as a fulcrum of regional cooperation (  )

UDK 342.7(497.16)

Bojan Božović, Nikola Zečević

National Minorities in Montenegro: Between Europeanization, Civic State and Affirmative Action (  )

UDK 061.1EU(497.16)

Zoran Dabetić

Montenegro and European Union: Current Achievements and Accession Challenges (  )

UDK 061.1EU:34(497.16)

mr Nikola B. Šaranović

The Legal-Religious Models of the Eu and Montenegro: The Orthodox Question and Heretical Response (  )

UDK 061.1EU(497.16)

mr Andrea Popović

The Perspective of Montenegro’s Accession of the European Union: Implementation of the New Enlargement Methodology (  )

PART II – The European Union in a time of crisis

UDK 343.326:061.1EU

Ognjen Rajković

Extremism and Terrorism as Challenges for the EU Security (  )

UDK 32:061.1EU

Danica Radifković

EU Enlargement Policy During the Crises (  )

UDK 323.17:061.1EU(497.115)

Stevan Nedeljković, Milan Krstić, Marko Dašić

The Crisis of European Union Mediation in Resolving the Kosovo Issue (  )

PART III – Reviews

dr Kristina Bojanović

Mapa smisla modernoga doba – Žak Barzan, Kultura Zapada – od osvita do dekadencije, Podgorica: CID, ZUNS, UDG – Humanističke studije 2021. ( )