The Balkans and Central Europe in a Metaphorical Embrace ( )
UDK 316.774 UDK 821.162.4-252:398
Tatiana Hrivíková
Folk Tales and Fairy Tales as Transmitters of Cultural Values Acculturation Process Through Bedtime Reading ( )
UDK 347.72.033:330.522(437:497.1)“1949“
Milan Balaban, Dalibor Savić
Nationalization of Czechoslovak Property in the Federal People‘s Republic of Yugoslavia on the Example of the Bata Corporation ( )
UDK 572(=1.497.16)(091) 572:929Cvijić J.
Višeslav Aralica
„Real Dinarics“. Montenegrins and Dalmatians of Lika and Zagora in the anthropogeography of Jovan Cvijić ( )
UDK 32:821.163.4.09Petrović Njegoš P. II
Ilija Vujačić
Political Myth in The Mountain Wreath ( )
UDK 339.192:663.991(497)“18/19“
Petar Dobrev, Dimitar Grigorov
Opium, Bonito and Olive Agents: States and Drugs in the Balkans (Beginning of the 19th Century — 1940s) ( )
Boris Mosković
Mihad Mujanović, I zemlja se potrese: odjek zemljotresa u Skoplju 1963. godine i Bosanskoj krajini 1969. godine, Udruženje za modernu historiju, Sarajevo, 2019 ( )
Balša Lubarda
Bernhard Forchtner (ed.), Far Right and the Environment. Oxon: Routledge, 2020 ( )
Dragan K. Vukčević
In Memoriam: Prof. dr Mileva Filipović (1938–2020) ( )